This summer at KCA we are doing things differently. Starting today and for the rest of Summer there will be content made by the students that will be posted every Monday. What kind of you say? Well, there will be two posts to happen every week :
1) "Staff of the Week"- Each week a student will interview and post about a staff of the school
2) "The week that was"- A brief recap of what fun and exciting things we did the week prior.
- Are you doing any field trips this summer, What kind?
My classes are planning trips to some neighboring waterside boardwalks so we can observe our natural habitat without getting any fecal contamination! (Anyone see the news about NY beaches lately? YIKES!) We are also planning a trip to the Bronx Zoo and Botanical Gardens after so many students requested these locations.
- What are some activities you’ll be doing this summer in class?
This summer in class we have been harvesting fruits, vegetables, and herbs from our class rooftop garden and using them to make various foods and beverages! This week we made classic Italian Caprese and the week before we made Blueberry Mint Lemonade using basil and mint from our garden.
- And if you have anything new in what you will be doing with your garden?
We had two beds open up in the garden and we are currently deciding what to put in them. We currently have successful jalapeno, cilantro, bell pepper, strawberry, sweet potato, mint, rosemary, basil, and string bean plants growing so if anyone has a recommendation we are open to it! Our newest addition to the garden was this week when the middle school group's box started to show signs of squash growth!
- Another question I have is will you be doing some summer projects or making something for any animals?
As for summer projects we are working on tidying up the garden and caring for our class pet fish and resident class service dog. Later this summer I would like to consider getting a bearded dragon again! As for making things for animals, I haven't considered this yet but I love it already!
- Will you be getting any new class pets this summer?
HOPEFULLY a bearded dragon named Nacho, we just have to find one that gets along with Lacey :)
- What will you be doing after the summer? What is gonna be your favorite part about this summer?
After the summer you will find me in the sun and driving my two dogs around my city. My favorite part about the summer is getting to see my students in a slightly more casual learning setting because it allows me to get to know them better, which helps me to be a better teacher during the year.
- Do you ever want summer to end or would you rather work in the winter?
SUMMER SHOULD NEVER END THERE I SAID IT :) I like working in the winter though! Routine is a nice distraction from the snow.
Writen By S. Edwards